Tips & Tricks Newsletter & Money Week 2018 
Welcome to my Spring newsletter & Money Week 2018 – It’s been a long winter and I’m looking forward to more daylight and warmer days – they’re not here yet but hopefully, they are on their way.
What is your Mortgage Borrowing Strategy?
Commentators seemed to have flat-lined their OCR forecasts and feel that there is a chance that the next move in the cash rate is actually a cut. As such, a favoured borrowing strategy seems to be Read on…
What is Sorted Money Week?
It is a public awareness campaign aimed at helping to empower New Zealanders on how to manage their personal finances.
Now in its seventh year, Money Week 2018 will shine the spotlight on financial resilience. This year we aim to help New Zealanders focus their attention on how they would weather a financial shock, and more importantly – how quickly they can bounce back if it were to happen to them.
Mortgage Resilience Tips – Money Week 2018
Home or property ownership plays a big role in the financial lives of most Kiwis. So giving yourself some time to ponder your personal situation is a solid first step towards building financial resilience. Read on…
Personal Risk Resilience Tips – Money Week 2018
Life certainly can be unpredictable. How well would you weather one of life’s storms? What can’t you afford to happen? We hope you find this quick summary a useful ‘thought-starter’.It’s our hope that one or more of these tips will set you on a course of discovery about how insurance can help you build Read on…
Property Insurance Resilience Tips – Money Week 2018
Whether it’s the family home, holiday house or a rental property, you need to protect your valuable investments. We can help you manage your property-related risks and provide a sum insured cover that insures you for demolition costs, professional fees and a rebuild to the sum insured amount specified. Read on…
KiwiBuild Pre-Qualify Online Portal Is Now Open
That means New Zealanders who have registered an interest in owning a KiwiBuild home, can now apply online to determine their eligibility to enter a ballot for a KiwiBuild home. It’s an exciting milestone for the KiwiBuild Read on…
As always, I am available to help out. I can be contacted via phone or email. If you like you can click on my online calendar to find a slot that suits you: Book Now.
Kind Regards
Oliver Broomfield